A CFO in the name of TeamNK with years of experience in the finance functions of companies and experts in financial regulations, international accounting, and capital structure are especially well-suited for highly decentralized businesses or startups.
TeamNK simplifies the financial reporting for trouble-free decision making of a company. We at teamNk also take care of all your statutory financial disclosure requirement.We act as an aide to management for proper financial management and maintenance of capital structure.
CFO Services is a Social Enterprise promoted by FMSF in order to drive forward its mission of “Promoting accountability and sustainability amongst organisations in the non-profit & CSR sector”.
CFO Services assists civil society organisations to achieve development effectiveness by promoting transparency and accountability. CFO Services achieves through an integrated process of accompaniment, systems development in financial management and governance, training and capacity building, research and publication, reviews and evaluations. CFO Services firmly believes on the values of accountability, transparency and good governance. Team NK is also involved in research and publication of materials that promotes accountability and involved in information dissemination on financial management, governance and legal regulations.